Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tompall Glaser

Whatever happened the the great Tompall Glaser? Waylon's onetime best friend during the outlaw heyday, he made some amazing albums, both alone and with his brothers Jim and Chuck. But since the '80s he seems to have disappeared. Would love to know if he still performs--or writes/records.

You can also watch a performance of the great song "Rings" and a medley of the Glasers performing three country classics.

Note that Jim Glaser keeps a website and still performs; and four of the Glaser Brothers' nephews (calling themselves The Brothers Glaser) have recorded a tribute album due to be released in the fall of 2009 (three songs are online for streaming).

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Flea Market Montgomery: Interview with Sammy Stephens

We caught up with Sammy Stephens on the way to BamaJam last week. He's the guy behind the popular viral video/rap about Flea Market Montgomery, the retail business he owns in Montgomery, Alabama that he claims is "just like a mini-mall." Check it out: